CPR Classes for Organizations

Group Classes for Organizations

If you have 6 or more students interested, we can attempt to schedule a class at a date and location nearby that works for your organization. This is not a guarantee, but we’ll do our best. The minimum number of students is 6 and the maximum generally depends on available space and equipment. It is important we know how many students plan to participate in the class; SORS must follow appropriate instructor:student ratios.

Classes need a TV with DVD player that all students can comfortably see and hear, and enough space to practice CPR on the floor with 5 to 6 life-size mannequins.

As of December 2017, the American Heart Association has introduced a Heartsaver course completion card specifically for K-12 school districts. If you are a K-12 school, ask us about this option at a lower cost.

Questions or inquiries can be directed to info@southorangerescuesquad.org

Our on-site CPR classes are taught at our headquarters on Sloan Street. The training room is on the second floor and is not ADA-accessible.

Please wear loose, comfortable clothing. You will be practicing skills that require kneeling, bending, standing, and lifting.

If you have any physical conditions that might prevent these activities, please inform one of the facilitators. The facilitator may be able to adjust the equipment to accommodate you.

Classes are open to anyone 12 years old and up. It is a serious classroom environment that teaches life-saving techniques and skills.